The Characteristics of a Good Cell Phone for Seniors

After posting a number on posts on handsets that are suitable for seniors, I thought that it would be helpful to make a post dedicated to the characteristics or attributes found on a mobile phone for seniors.

Here's a list of attributes that makes a handset a good cellphone for the elderly.

  • Affordability - since seniors are usually on a fixed income and do not have the luxury of going over their budgets, an affordable cellphone would be a good choice for them. There's no need to spend a ton of bucks ona smartphone that can do a lot of things because they would not be able to use them anyway. A cell phone for serniors should be affordable but reliable.
  • Large Keypad- raised, separated number keys and a large keypad are always best for seniors. A good mobile phone for seniors should offer a keypad that makes it easy for seniors to press the keys and distinguish one from another.
  • Loud Speakerphone- seniors will appreciate a handset with a loud speakerphone because they can be a solution to hearing aid incompatibility. The Speaker phone allows a user to hold the phone away from a hearing aid to reduce feedback and improve the call quality.
  • Bright and Large Display - good mobile phones for seniors should have a large brightly lit display with large text because vision tends to decline with age. Handsets that have large brightly lit screens with
  • User Friendliness- Although today's seniors are familiar with modern technology, they may not consider the need to access email or the internet from their cell phone a priority. They need a handset for emergency purposes and to simply communicate with friends and family. A simple handset will make asking for aid quicker and more efficient. A device that seniors can customize for convenience and ease of use is suitable for the elderly.
Well, these are the basic attributes of great mobile phones for senior citizens. Users can look for them or use them as guides when they are looking for a cellphone for senior citizens. Of course, phones that are suitable for the elderly may not have all of these attributes but they should have at least three of them to be judged as appropriate for seniors.

I also thought it would be helpful to list the cellphones for seniors that I have featured on this blog. Click on them if you want o get more info on these devices.

Tune in to this blog for more info on mobile phones for seniors.

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