Apple iPhone screen problems may get worse - the dreaded "dead strip"

Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse (seriously, we thought it would stay an isolated and rare defect), Nomura International analyst, Richard Windsor released a note to clients indicating that the iPhone’s dead strip” display problem could become more widespread.

Apple bought the rights to the screen technology used in the iPhone from a Finnish firm. Finnish firm reported that usage led to the same unresponsive display problems after some time. Apparently, the technology uses chemical deposition to register touch-inputs based on heat, but 3 to 6 months of “extensive use” would start to degrade the technology and cause a lose of sensitivity to touch-inputs.
This suggests that the relatively new iPhone fleet in the US could start to exhibit similar problems with time.

With technologies as advanced as multi-touch, and production volumes as large as they are, hardware faults could very reasonably start to crop up.

We’ll keep a close eye on this problem for you guys, but should you find yourself facing the dreaded “dead strip,” drop us a line and let us know. Seriously, we’d appreciate it.
The Inquirer and iPhone World]

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