Idea: Palm should push Foleo as a blogging tool!

Just a few days ago I wrote about 4 things I would like to see in Palm Foleo. Then an idea popped to my mind - Palm should push Foleo to bloggers!

Nowadays, most of us have or can afford a laptop. However, even though I have a small laptop I would want an even smaller one without paying a hefty premium (who wouldn’t). In that sense, Palm’s “mobile companion” should fit nicely for blogging purposes only.

Basically, I think that most bloggers need some simple app for managing images (resize, crop and such things), and a browser with full AJAX support and tabbed browsing. When I write something, usually there are at least 3 tabs opened in a browser. If Palm could deliver this, I would be happy to jump on board.

The processor speed and available RAM is what matters the most. We don’t want to go back to old hardware, rather we need a dedicated blogging computer which could run on a slower processor, but is much lighter thus easier to carry around. And then… I can easily imagine Palm partnering with Six Apart, WordPress and possibly even Blogger. What a great marketing channel that would be for Palm. Damn with the corporate users — we are the ones which want more freedom!

Could Palm actually make this happen? What do you think?

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