Nokia may be in more hot water with Japan for overheating batteries

Just when we though Nokia’s overheating battery problem was getting taken care of, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has ordered the Finnish handset manufacturer to “report by next Friday on details of a series of accidents.”

Apparently, Nokia Japan took a little too long (10 days is the limit, they took 16 days) to report the problem to Japanese officials. Why didn’t Nokia just fess up earlier and pass the blame onto Matsushita for shipping faulty batteries? After all, passing blame is what corporate big heads are hired to do.

It looks like Japan may want to find out if there were “any problems with Nokia Japan’s handling of the overheating accidents.” We hope Nokia Japan makes it out of this one without too much punishment.

Regardless, Nokia will be facing some tough times in Japan.

[Via: Engadget Mobile]

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