Could these really be spy pics of the Sony Ericsson K900 Cybershot?

Could these be actual live spy pictures of a Sony Ericsson K900 Cybershot cameraphone? We certainly hope so, this thing is as sleek and sexy as it is, well, sleek and sexy. And, with a Cybershot camera packed in there, the SE K900 will be a definite winner.

Now, if only those pictures below weren’t so damned blurry/overexposed/horribly lit, we could actually get our hopes up on this thing.

But, it does look just like the computer mockup of Sony Ericsson K900 Cybershot that you see to the left.

Real or fake? You decide - we’ll wait on more solid images to pass judgement. As much as we’d like for this thing to be more than some enthusiast’s Photoshop exercise, it’s just too shady to be believable at this point - but we hope we’re wrong.

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