O2 germany picks up the HTC Touch Dual as O2 Xda Star

If there’s one thing we love more than the quirky codenames coming out of HTC’s labs, it’s O2’s practice of renaming all of HTC’s best handsets. O2 Germany’s done it again with the HTC Touch Dual that was recently launched. It didn’t take long at all for the German carrier to pick up the HTC Touch Dual as the O2 Xda Star - complete with an O2-branded makeover.

For the incredibly low carrier-subsidized price of €30 ($43), you too (the German you, that is) can get your hands on the O2 Xda Star with that slightly revised nav-pad layout (the buttons below the screen). Aside from the minor facelift (which looks like a pretty nice improvement over HTC’s reference design), the O2 Xda Star rocks the same feature-set as the HTC Touch Dual. Check out this video of the HTC Touch Dual in action.

The price of this German HTC Touch Dual is enough to make us seriously consider a move to the land of sauerkraut. You lucky Germans, you.
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