World's first 8 megapixel CMOS camera sensor for mobile phone - from Samsung

Samsung’s all about being the “World’s First” at as many things as possible. The newest “world’s first” from Samsung is their 8-megapixel CMOS camera phone sensor - they call it a “world wide first development” (translated, of course). At roughly the same volume and footprint (10.5 x 11.5 x 9.4-mm) as current 3 megapixel CMOS modules on the market today, the new Samsung-made 8 megapixel CMOS sensor aims to make the 8 megapixel camera phone as wide-spread as its lesser, 3MP cousin.

With the megapixel war hitting hard on the mobile scene, we’ve got to wonder just how many of those 8 million pixels will actually matter? Having a hugely dense image sensor is one thing, having the optics to bring in clear, undistorted light is quite another. All the high-end camera phones on the market feature high-end optics to match their megapixel-count. But, the sad truth of the matter is, most people have no idea just how much optical quality matters when you’re talking about anything over 2 or 3 megapixels. Just having an “8-MEGAPIXELS!” label on a phone with a cheap, plastic lens is probably enough to sell boatloads of phones to the masses. We hope that kind of sacrilege never happens. We hope.

Nevertheless, bring on the 8-megapixel Carl Zeiss cameraphones!

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