Nokia Wireless Loopset: A Cell Phone Accessory for Seniors

In my last post I blogged about the hearing aid compatible cell phones for seniors. This time, I think that it would be helpful to write about an accessory that can be helpful to elderly mobile phone users.

The Nokia Wireless Loopset is a device that provides t-coil-equipped hearing aid users with a hassle- and hands-free connection to mobile phones. This gadget was introduced last year and may be helpful for senior users since a large number of them have poor hearing.

This accessory for compatible with cellphones for seniors that use Bluetooth 2.1 connectivity. The Nokia Wireless Loopset enables mobile calls to be accessed wirelessly through the hearing aid and can be worn around the user's neck.

Here are some of the features for this accessory:
  • vibrating alert for incoming calls;
  • user adjustable sidetone level;
  • optimized volume range and frequency response;
  • single button for call handling;
  • induction technology enables acoustic background noise to be filtered, which greatly increases speech discrimination.
However, it is also important to test different handset before buying this accessory for mobile phones for seniors. The quality, immunity and customization of hearing aids vary greatly so testing is needed to find a suitable phone for the Nokia Wireless Loopset.

That's if for this post on a cell phone for senior citizens accessory. Tune in to this blog for more news and updates on handsets for the elderly and related topics.

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